St. Louis University High School located on Oakland Ave. just WEST of Kingshighway and south of I-64/40.
OR see markers on this map -
marker 1 is where you turn on Oakland -
go south to T and then left (east) to circle at Irish Flag to unload - no parking here.
go back west to marker 2 and park - see below for exit instructions.
Please DO NOT park in the parking lot that fronts on Oakland Ave.
Between the Science Center (which is immediately west of St. Louis University HS) and SLUH, there is a driveway with signage to the Science Center Parking Lot.
(38 deg 37.754 min N, 90 deg. 16.193 min W).
Come down this drive and turn left, going east. Proceed to circle and drop off passengers, instruments, etc. DO NOT PARK HERE.
Return to drive by Science Center and enter the Science Center Parking Lot straight ahead of you.